“Nothing can ever replace the personal face-to-face interactions between patients and their Doctors. However, there are times when that just may not be possible, and that is when telehealth and mobile apps, like our PillCountPro, can play a vital role,” commented Dr. Peter Farr, Chief Medical Officer at Atadas. “The company’s cloud-based, online patient intake & digital forms capabilities enable addiction medicine specialists to work remotely with patients dealing with Opioid Use Disorder in order to start the assessment and treatment process. Moreover, our office based opioid treatment (OBOT) platform with the PillCountPro mobile app allows the doctor to request random pill counts and receive electronic submissions, evaluate patient progress, order and review lab tests, conduct PMP verifications, renew prescriptions and monitor medication adherence.”
“In rural areas where patients have local primary care physicians, our platform’s intuitive approach would make it significantly easier for the integration of addiction medicine into primary care settings, provided the physician has elected to pursue addiction medicine as a sub-specialty for their primary care practice and has secured the necessary training and DEA waiver to prescribe controlled substances,” added Dr. Farr.
The company has taken painstaking steps to ensure that Physicians who have received the DATA-2000 wavier and operate an office based opioid treatment practice can “readily verify” during an inspection or audit that they do fully comply with DEA regulations and state medical board guidelines covering medication assisted treatment in OBOT settings. Our software solution does so on several levels.
First, our unique, nightly 25-point assessment lists any missing regulatory components covering each patients’ MAT record and provides a PRACTICE COMPLIANCE GRADE™ that measures practice regulatory guideline performance for MAT treatment, assessments, agreements, and required recommendations. Additionally, each patient’s MAT record receives a PATIENT COMPLIANCE SCORE™ listing items that need to be addressed for guideline compliance, which is then rolled up into a MAT COMPLIANCE CHART that the physicians can review daily and use as a guide for individual patient follow-up.
Central to Atadas’ framework is the Physician’s ability to manage a patient’s adherence regularly and effectively to the agreed upon medication plan and provide added diversion control and prevention capabilities. The checks and balances in the system include easier submissions of required pill counts and regular medication lookups in accordance with state guidelines to use the Controlled Substance Monitoring Programs [CSPMP] to see all filled prescriptions by the patient.
While the benefits of ADDMEDPRO with PILLCOUNTPRO for the Practitioner are easily enumerated as higher productivity, enhanced patient engagement, greater confidence in MAT compliance, and reduced operating costs, the importance and convenience for patients is equally treasured. The patient’s well-being and expected return to a near normal lifestyle is the underlying principal that drives our innovative approach to deliver technology that changes the future of medication assisted treatment.